Selasa, 06 Mei 2014

penelitian ilmiah

My experience at the 6th semester following the scientific research, where the rule is that every student must follow. I am student of class 3ea20, each class there are 2 lecturers mother tiwi anggraeni and father haadir Hudiyanto, Supervisor I at the time was the father of scientific research Hadir Hudiyanto, initially I did not know him that well or stern. because I did not know him at that time. after meeting him he turned out a very good lecturer. fortunately I was not guided by the mother tiwi anggraeni. I know that the mother is a lecturer tiwi very fierce. I was never taught by her time in the 1st half, if I may be guided by him I was crying and did not want guidance: D
A week before the scheduled start consultations I've considered several titles which is approximately interested and interesting for me were written. Based on the advice of the father hadirr is my supervisor, I wrote PI must truly my passion and interest for writing. because it will be easy for us to get started. Really constructive advice.
Finally I decided to write "FEATURES AND PRICE EFFECT OF DECISIONS TO PURCHASE BLACKBERRY CURVE 9300 STUDENTS UNIVERCITY OF GUNADARMA". The first week of the consultation, the father hadirr provide initial guidance on scientific writing of prose also other things such as how to make the formulation of the problem, the research object as it's good.
The second week of consultations, thank God chapter 1 that contains the problem formulation, Background, data or variables and the other in the same ACC supervisor, I became more and more the spirit of scientific research for the finish, even though a lot of the coursework and practicum as well.But I have a target that scientific research should be completed this semester, will be a waste of time, effort and money as well if the PI was delayed and should be connected next semester.
Chapter 2 contains a literature review of the reference books that I dapet, I do it in the JCO with my friend named shinta. she who helped me also in solving scientific writing, he also encouraged me already. he is my very good friend.
I am very tired, because the started working on all afternoon. It also was not immediately completed, as most talking.
go to chapter 3 which contains research methods, here I explain what the meaning of the population, sample, data and data sources, data collection techniques, and analysis tools. I use the method of multiple linear regression (RLB).
chapter 4 of this chapter is very make me dizzy and tired, because this is the core of this research is the data processing. I spent over a month to finish this chapter 4. because I was too lazy to want to do. I also have to distribute questionnaires to determine the outcome.
Chapter 5 is very easy, because this chapter is closing. and in the end I got a letter from my supervisor acc, it's great finish this job that sucks for me. my break time so annoyed with this task, and Alhamdulillah, I feel happy. after that I am looking for information registration trial, I hope to get a hearing in the campus Gunadarma Kalimalang, because if I get a trial at the Depok campus Gunadarma should definitely wake up in the morning.
thank God I finally heard from my friends, it turns on the campus Gunadarma Kalimalang already opened registration trial for scientific writing. My friend and I immediately register the trial. so until the registration turns out there's already crowded and queues.
I finally get a trial dikalimalang. exactly 22 August I started the trial, fear, confusion, sadness, nervousness I've felt. do not forget to always pray to soothe my mind so do not forget the material I have learned a few months. examiners started asking questions, he was lucky I was able to answer all questions from the examiners. I spent about 25 minutes in the courtroom.
after the trial was finished, a feeling that had been screwed into a quiet because it was past the memories of a very creepy. But after that I still take care of some work to complete this study, ranging from making hard cover for my writing, asking for autographs for some and upload my research deals with a special link to get a free library so that I can take my certificate but the scientific research The most important of all that I could finish my assignments on time and this is my job. This was my experience when undergoing scientific research.

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